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Apicha CHC Focuses on PrEP Outreach at UCSA

  • Category: News & Events
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  • Written By: Apicha Community Health Center

Part of Apicha Community Health Center’s mission is to provide patients with the knowledge and health services they deserve. This includes information and services regarding HIV and sexual health, and reaching out to minority communities who need it most. Which is why we’re attending and presenting at the United States Conference on AIDS in Washington D.C. from Sept. 7 to 10.

What is UCSA?

The United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) draws hundreds of health providers and professionals from across the county to talk about changes in healthcare. The conference will also largely focus on continuing efforts to combat the HIV epidemic.

Each day will be filled with workshops and presentations that are centered on HIV and sexual health. Topics like HIV and aging, HIV stigma in minority communities, and safer sex for trans bodies will be discussed.

What Will Apicha CHC Being Doing There?

a woman giving a lecture

But those are just a few of the topics -- and Apicha CHC will talk about how providing PrEP and PEP to minority populations can be done through digital marketing and how our PrEP program overcomes common barriers. In our workshop, we’ll discuss ways to create a successful and receptive campaign for digital platforms and  break down best practices  for PrEP/PEP case management.  

Providing the right care to patients  is an agency-wide effort, and we want to spread our knowledge to increase patients' access to medications like PrEP.

USCA is arranged by the National Minority AIDS Council, which includes Apicha CHC’s CEO, Therese Rodriguez. If you’re interested in learning more about Apicha CHC’s digital marketing tips, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates during our workshop.